An Arduino frequency counter by WA5BDU Introduction This is going to be a fairly long description of the frequency counter and the ICs and circuits that make it go. That’s for people who might want to roll their own or modify this one. Otherwise, if you’re mainly interested in building one, gloss …
Category: Uncategorized
Jan 01
Programming the Si5351a synthesizer
What is being discussed here I’m going to discuss how a program, or my Arduino program specifically, calculates register values for the Si5351a to put it on a specific frequency. I’m not going into details of how the register values are formatted into bit fields and actually sent to the chip via I2C. …
Dec 31
An Arduino Si5351a quadrature VFO controller I’ve decided to start keeping my files on because updating and maintaining posts on dreamhost using WordPress is just too complicated for me. But isn’t github also complicated? Yes, it is. But if you just want to download the files, it’s easy. Just go to that green button that says “Code” and click …
Dec 30
Some pages of projects or technical information Links to pages for projects and info: